Cryptlog - A python keylogger

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Cryptlog - A python keylogger

Mesaj #1 » de Americanu » 27 Dec 2013 20:06

Hello all!
I recently made a simple (Well, not very simple, but I digress) windows only ( :( ) keylogger in python and PHP. Here's the basics of how it works:

1.) captures keys in chunks of 25 keystrokes.
2.) Encrypts the keystrokes with a simple XOR encryption (not very good encryption mind you.)
3.) Sends the encrypted keystrokes off to a server that will record them. The server can deal with multiple clients (keyloggers) running at once, and will still display the keystrokes fine.

It's on github now, so I don't need to worry about updating it here :mrgreen:
CryptLog on Github! [link=]click[/link]

Here's from the readme:
Here's what you need to do to start logging keystrokes:
1.) Download PyHook ([link=]click[/link]). You only need PyHook to be on the computer you use to build the keylogger.
2.) Edit the "" file.
a.) replace "thisiswhereyourkeygoes" with whatever key you want to encrypt the data with.
b.) Change "" to whatever your site is. (Need a good freehost? PM me.)
3.) Edit the "" file.
a.) Change "" to the name of your site.
4.) Edit the "droplogs.php" file.
a.) Change "keyloggerlogfiles.txt" to the name of the file you want to keep logs in.
5.) Upload "droplogs.php" to your site.
6.) Compile the file(s).
a.) Download "Pyinstaller 2.0" (
b.) Run "python -F --name=Cryptlog -w path\to\" where "path\to\" is the relitive path pointing to You *MUST* run this in PyInstaller's directory.
c.) *OPTIONAL* Run "python -F --name=Viewlogs path\to\" where "path\to\" is the relitive path pointing to You *MUST* run this in PyInstaller's directory.
7.) Put "Cryptlog.exe" into the victim's startup folder, or, better yet, into the startup registry key.
8.) Run "Viewlogs.exe" or "" and type in the name of the logfile that you set in setp 3a. Then, type in the ID of the log that you want to view. Each time Cryptlog.exe starts up, it creates a new log with a new ID. Next, type in what you used as your key in step 1a. From there, you should be able to view the logs of the keystrokes.
9.) *OPTIONAL* Send me an email telling me how much you love/hate CryptLog. My email (or, rather, the Evil Ninja Hackers email) is ""

Have fun,


If you need help setting it up, just post here or PM me.

Anyways, that's all.
It takes a bit to set up, but once you set it up, you can use the same.exe all the time :)
It's also hard for antivirus to detect, because each .exe is different.

Have fun,

îi un keylogger în Python. Simplu și curat.

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Re: Cryptlog - A python keylogger

Mesaj #2 » de Tig3rMan » 27 Dec 2013 21:37

Super dar nu cumva incerci tu sa ne furi conturile de steam, email, etc.
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Re: Cryptlog - A python keylogger

Mesaj #3 » de Americanu » 28 Dec 2013 21:10

Nu doearece tu ai doar install de la el
trebuie sa il configurezi cum scrie si mai sus.

El la momentul de fata e inofensiv dupa ce lai configurat cum scrie si in topic o sa ai succes cu el :) eu am luat acest post de pe un site unde am mebru vip .. sincer nu lam incercat
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Re: Cryptlog - A python keylogger

Mesaj #4 » de MrMateiu » 04 Ian 2014 22:54

Știi că riști ban nu? Nu ai voie cu Crack/Warez ... altă dată poate citești și tu regulile că de aceea sunt făcute.
==============================A doua mea familie==============================

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Re: Cryptlog - A python keylogger

Mesaj #5 » de Eseth » 04 Ian 2014 23:00

MrMateiu (Re: Post 4), Nu are asta nici o treaba cu Crack/Warez, altfel topicul demult ar fi fost mutat in arhiva, iar autorul ar fi primit warn.
Softul e gratuit si open pentru toti ca si tot ce se posteaza pe github. ;)
Nusquam est verus. Sulum res est licitus.

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