Comenzi pentru admini srv XB CSS

admini principali: Eseth Killer, Nik, DeeJay | Top jucatori

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Comenzi pentru admini srv XB CSS

Mesaj #1 » de Eseth » 09 Noi 2012 23:55

Pentru a face lucrul adminilor de pe servere mai usor, va propun sa studiati urmatoarea lista cu cele mai esentiale comenzi pentru a sti cum sa le folositi pe server si in ce situatii:

Comenzi esentiale:

1. sm_addban (sintaxa: sm_addban <time> <steamid/ip> [reason]) Se foloseste pentru a adauga un ban in banlist unui jucator pe SteamID sau IP. Se poate folosi in cazul in care jucatorul pe care trebuia fi aplicata comanda sm_ban s-a deconectat si nu ati reusit sa dati ban din meniul de admin.
2. sm_admin Afiseaza meniul adminului. Pentru a simplifica accesarea acestui meniu, va recomand sa atasati aceasta comanda la o tasta prin bind <tasta> sm_admin
3. sm_ban (sintaxa: sm_ban <#userid|name> <minutes|0> [reason]) Baneaza un jucator conectat la server dupa SteamID sau nickname. Aceasta comanda se poate accesa si din meniul adminului.
4. sm_banip (sintaxa: sm_banip <ip|#userid|name> <time> [reason]) Comanda similara comenzii sm_ban, dar in loc de SteamID sau nickname se poate aplica pe IP-ul jucatorului (puteti verifica SteamID-ul, nickname-ul si IP-ul jucatorilor prin comanda sm_users care afiseaza lista tuturor jucatorilor conectati la server).
5. sm_cancelvote Anuleaza orice vot pornit.
6. sm_cvar (sintaxa: sm_cvar <cvar> [value]) Cu ajutorul acestei comenzi se poate modifica orice variabila a serverului indicand valoarea acesteia. Nu va recomand s-o folositi fara sa stiti sigur in ceea ce faceti.
7. sm_execcfg (sintaxa: sm_exec <filename>) Executa orice config din folderul cstrike/cfg de pe server.
8. sm_help Afiseaza lista tuturor comenzilor de admin disponibile pe server pentru a lua cunostinta cu orice comanda necunoscuta. Folositi sintaxa sm_help <command> pentru a specifica comanda cautata.
9. sm_kick (sintaxa: sm_kick <#userid|name> [reason]) Deconecteaza un jucator de pe server.
10. sm_map (sintaxa: sm_map <map> Schimba instant harta curenta cu harta specificata.
11. sm_rcon (sintaxa: sm_rcon <argstring>) Este o comanda similara comenzii sm_cvar si ofera posibilitatea de a executa o comanda folosind accesul prin rcon (modificarea unei variabile a serverului sau executarea unui fisier de pe server).
12. sm_reloadadmins Actualizeaza lista adminilor. Se poate folosi atunci cand este adaugat un admin nou pe server si este necesara actualizarea listei adminilor fara schimbarea hartii.
13. sm_unban (sintaxa: sm_unban <steamid|ip>) Ridicarea oricarui ban dat pe SteamID sau IP.
14. sm_who (sintaxa: sm_who [#userid|name]) Afiseaza drepturile jucatorului specificat.
15. sm_chat (sintaxa: sm_chat <message>) Scrierea si trimiterea unui mesaj tuturor adminilor.
16. sm_csay (sintaxa: sm_csay <message>) Scrie un mesaj centrat tuturor jucatorilor.
17. sm_gag (sintaxa: sm_gag <target>) Previne jucatorul sa scrie mesaje in chat.
18. sm_hsay (sintaxa: sm_hsay <message>) Trimite un mesaj tuturor jucatorilor prin intermediul casutei pentru indicii.
19. sm_msay (sintaxa: sm_msay <message>) Trimite un mesaj sub forma de meniu in partea stanga a ecranului.
20. sm_mute (sintaxa: sm_mute <target>) Previne un jucator sa foloseasca chatul vocal.
21.sm_psay (sintaxa: <target> <message>) Trimite un mesaj privat unui singur jucator.
22. sm_resetcvar (sintaxa: sm_resetcvar <cvar>) Reseteaza valoarea initiala a unei variabile.
23. sm_say (sintaxa: sm_say <message>) Trimite un mesaj in chat tuturor jucatorilor.
24. sm_silence (sintaxa: sm_silence <target>) Aplica gag si mute unui jucator.
25. sm_slap (sintaxa: <target> [damage]) Loveste un jucator, emite un zgomot si il arunca intr-o directie aleatoare. Daca este specificat, valoarea daunelor va fi scazuta din sanatatea tintei.
26. sm_slay (sintaxa: sm_slay <target>) Omoara jucatorul specificat. Se poate folosi ca avertizare cand un jucator incalca in mod repetat anumite reguli.
27. sm_setnextmap (sintaxa: sm_setnextmap <map>) Modifica harta ce urmeaza
28. sm_ungag (sintaxa: sm_ungag <target>) Anularea gag-ului si oferirea posibilitatii jucatorului de a folosi din nou chatul.
29. sm_unmute (sintax: sm_unmute <target>) Anularea mute-ului si oferirea posibilitatii jucatorului de a folosi din nou chatul vocal.
30. sm_unsilence (sintaxa: sm_unsilence <target>) Anularea gag-ului si mute-ului.
31. sm_vote (sintaxa: <question> [answer1] [answer2] [answer3] ...) Incepe un vot nou cu intrebarile si argumentele specificate.
32. sm_voteban (sintaxa: sm_voteban <target> [reason]) Incepe un vot pentru banarea unui jucator pe o perioada de 30 de minute.
33. sm_votekick (sintaxa: sm_votekick <target> [reason]) Porneste un vot pentru a da afara un jucator de pe server.
34. sm_votemap (sintaxa: sm_votemap <map> [map2] [map3] ...) Incepe un vot pentru votarea hartilor specificate.

Comenzi suplimentare:

35. sm_cash (sintaxa: sm_cash <target> <[+/-]amount>) Modifica suma de bani detinuta de jucator.
36. sm_nv (sintaxa: <target> <0/1>) Ofera jucatorului nightvision.
37. sm_defuser (sintaxa: sm_defuser <target> <0/1>) Ofera jucatorului kit de dezamorsare.
38. sm_respawn (sintaxa: sm_respawn <target>) Reinvie un jucator.
39. sm_disarm (sintaxa: sm_disarm <target>) Dezarmeaza un jucator.
40. sm_team (sintaxa: sm_team <target> <team index>) Muta jucatorul in echipa specificata.
41. sm_teamswap Schimba echipele cu locul.
42. sm_spec (sintaxa: sm_spec <target>) Muta un jucator la spectatori.
43. sm_swap (sintaxa: sm_swap <target>) Muta instant jucatorul in echipa adversa.
44. sm_lswap (sintaxa: sm_lswap <target>) Schimba echipa jucatorului la inceputul rundei urmatoare.
45. sm_exch (sintaxa: sm_exch <target1> <target2>) Muta instant toti jucatorii dintr-o echipa in alta.
46. sm_lexch (sintaxa: sm_lexch <target1> <target2>) Muta toti jucatorii in echipa adversa la inceputul rundei urmatoare.
47. sm_balance Balanseaza echipele dupa numarul de jucatori.
48. sm_shuffle Amesteca jucatorii intre echipe.
49. sm_exec (sintaxa: sm_exec <target> <command>) Executa o comanda asupra jucatorului specificat.
50. sm_getloc (sintaxa: sm_getloc <target>) Afiseaza coordonatele jucatorului pe harta.
51. sm_saveloc (sintaxa: sm_saveloc [x] [y] [z]) Salveaza pozitia jucatorului pe harta. Daca nu sunt specificate coordonatele, se salveaza pozitia curenta.
52. sm_teleport (sintaxa: sm_teleport <target> [x|other target] [y] [z]) Teleporteaza un jucator la coordonatele specificate.
53. sm_rr (sintaxa: sm_rr [sec]) Restarteaza meciul.
54. sm_shutdown (sintaxa: sm_shutdown [sec]) Opreste serverul si forteaza jucatorii sa se reconecteze.
55. sm_showmotd (sintaxa: sm_showmotd <target>) Afisarea mesajului zilei (motd) unui jucator.
56. sm_url (sintaxa: sm_url <target> <url>) Deschide o adresa in fereastra motd unui jucator.
57. sm_drop (sintaxa: <target> <weapon>) Arunca arma curenta folosita de jucator.
58. sm_dropslot (sintaxa: sm_dropslot <target> <slot>) Arunca arma curenta din slotul indicat unui jucator.
59. lastx Afiseaza lista ultimilor 10 jucatori deconectati de pe server.
60. sm_pgag (sintaxa: sm_pgag <steamid>) Previne jucatorul sa-si anuleze gag-ul printr-o simpla reconectare la server. (gag permanent)
61. sm_pmute (sintaxa: sm_pmute <steamid>) Previne jucatorul sa-si anuleze mute-ul printr-o simpla reconectare la server. (mute permanent)
62. sm_psilence (sintaxa: sm_psilence <steamid>) Previne jucatorul sa-si anuleze silence-ul printr-o simpla reconectare la server. (silence permanent)
63. sm_pungag (sintaxa: sm_pungag <steamid>) Anularea gag-ului permanent unui jucator.
64. sm_punmute (sintaxa: sm_punmute <steamid>) Anularea mute-ului permanent unui jucator.
65. sm_punsilence (sintaxa: sm_punsilence <steamid>) Anularea silence-ului permanent unui jucator.
66. sm_users Afiseaza lista cu toate informatiile necesare despre toti jucatorii conectati (Nickname, SteamID, IP, tara).
67. sm_restrict (sintaxa: sm_restrict <weapon|all|group> <amount> <both|ct|t>) Restrictioneaza armele specificate pentru a nu putea fi folosite de jucatorii echipei/echipelor specificate.
68. sm_unrestrict (sintaxa: sm_unrestrict <weapon|all|group> <both|ct|t>) Anularea restrictiilor pentru armele si echipele specificate.
69. sm_reload_restrictions Actualizeaza restrictiile setat din fisierul-config de pe server.
70. sm_remove_restricted Anularea tuturor restrictiilor setate.
71. sm_stb2_banlist Afiseaza primele 5 SteamID-uri banate impreuna cu data expirarii banului. sm_stb2_banlist 5 - Afiseaza urmatoarele 5 SteamID-uri banate. Pentru a verifica daca un SteamID este prezent in lista ID-urilor banate, (sintaxa: sm_stb2_banlist LIKE %<parte a ID-ului sau ID complet>%).
72. sm_stb2_unbanlist - Afiseaza lista SteamID-urilor la care a expirat banul. Similar cu cumanda precedenta.

Arata Spoiler: "English version - All Sourcemod console commands"
SourceMod Help: Command Information
[001] lastx - Lists the last x players to disconnect.
[002] listmaps - No description available
[003] mdx_debug - mdx_debug STEAM_ID
[004] mdx_stats - mdx_stats <#userid|name|@all>
[005] mdx_test - mdx_test <#userid|name|@all>
[006] motd - No description available
[007] nextmap - No description available
[008] resetscore - Resets your deaths and kills back to 0
[009] say2 - No description available
[010] sm_addban - sm_addban <time> <steamid> [reason]
[011] sm_admin - Displays the admin menu
[012] sm_admins - Show online admins
[013] sm_advertisements_reload - Reload the advertisements
[014] sm_allrates - Admins are able to view all players rates via console includes IP address.
[015] sm_armour - Set target's armour
[016] sm_autoupdate_block_add - Stops a plugin from being updated by filename. sm_autoupdate_block_add <filename>
[017] sm_autoupdate_block_list - Lists blocked plugins.
[018] sm_autoupdate_block_rem - Removes a plugin from the block list. sm_autoupdate_block_rem <filename/idx>
[019] sm_autoupdate_check - Checks for updates but doesn't download them. sm_autoupdate_check [filename/idx]
[020] sm_autoupdate_download - Checks for updates and downloads them. sm_autoupdate_download [filename/idx]
[021] sm_autoupdate_list - Lists plugins being autoupdated.
[022] sm_autoupdate_rem - Stops a plugin being autoupdated. sm_autoupdate_rem <filename/idx>
[023] sm_balance - Balance teams
[024] sm_ban - sm_ban <#userid|name> <minutes|0> [reason]
[025] sm_banip - sm_banip <ip|#userid|name> <time> [reason]
[026] sm_blink - Aimed teleport
[027] sm_bury - Bury target
[028] sm_cancelvote - sm_cancelvote
[029] sm_cash - Change target's cash
[030] sm_chat - sm_chat <message> - sends message to admins
[031] sm_commlist - Extended Comm: Provides functionality for viewing current comm punishments.
[032] sm_commprune - Extended Comm: Provides functionality for automatically pruning the table for expired punishments.
[033] sm_cookies - sm_cookies <name> [value]
[034] sm_csay - sm_csay <message> - sends centered message to all players
[035] sm_cvar - sm_cvar <cvar> [value]
[036] sm_deaths - Change target's deaths
[037] sm_defuser - Toggle target's defuser
[038] sm_disarm - Disarm target
[039] sm_drop - Drop target's weapon
[040] sm_dropc4 - Forces bomb drop
[041] sm_dropslot - Drop target's weapon from slot
[042] sm_equip - Remove all weapons, and give this weapon for all
[043] sm_exch - Exchange targets in teams
[044] sm_exec - Execute command on target
[045] sm_execcfg - sm_execcfg <filename>
[046] sm_fexec - Fake-execute command on target
[047] sm_frags - Change target's frags
[048] sm_gag - sm_gag <player> - Removes a player's ability to use chat.
[049] sm_geolist - sm_geolist <name or #userid> - prints geopraphical information about target(s)
[050] sm_getloc - Print location
[051] sm_getmodel - Get target's model name
[052] sm_give - Give item to target
[053] sm_god - Set target's godmode state
[054] sm_help - Displays SourceMod commands and descriptions
[055] sm_hp - Set target's health points
[056] sm_hsay - sm_hsay <message> - sends hint message to all players
[057] sm_joinmsg - sm_joinmsg [message] - Sets a message to be displayed when you join the game, or returns current message
[058] sm_joinmsgoff - sm_joinmsgoff <name or #userid> - disallows a client from setting a custom join message
[059] sm_joinmsgoffid - sm_joinmsgoffid "<steamId>" - allows specified steamid from setting a custom join message
[060] sm_joinmsgon - sm_joinmsgon <name or #userid> - allows a client to set a custom join message
[061] sm_joinmsgonid - sm_joinmsgonid "<steamId>" "<player name>" - allows specified steamid to set a custom join message
[062] sm_kick - sm_kick <#userid|name> [reason]
[063] sm_knives - Remove all weapons, except knives
[064] sm_lastxbots - sm_lastxhistory <#> : Determines if lastx will log bots.
[065] sm_lastxhistory - sm_lastxhistory <#> : Sets how many player names+IDs to remember for lastx command.
[066] sm_lexch - Exchange targets in teams later
[067] sm_lswap - Swap target's team later
[068] sm_map - sm_map <map>
[069] sm_maphistory - Shows the most recent maps played
[070] sm_mapshistory - No description available
[071] sm_mapvote - sm_mapvote - Forces MapChooser to attempt to run a map vote now.
[072] sm_melee - Remove all weapons, except melee weapon
[073] sm_msay - sm_msay <message> - sends message as a menu panel
[074] sm_mute - sm_mute <player> - Removes a player's ability to use voice.
[075] sm_nominate - No description available
[076] sm_nominate_addmap - sm_nominate_addmap <mapname> - Forces a map to be on the next mapvote.
[077] sm_nv - Toggle target's nightvision
[078] sm_perplayer_debug - Command used to debug per player stuff
[079] sm_pgag - sm_pgag <player> - Permanently removes a player's ability to use chat.
[080] sm_pistols - Sets up a pistol round.
[081] sm_play - sm_play <#userid|name> <filename>
[082] sm_playsnd - sm_playsnd "<path to sound file>" [entity] - Plays sound file on all clients, entity is optional - default 'from player'
[083] sm_pmute - sm_pmute <player> - Permanently removes a player's ability to use voice.
[084] sm_psay - sm_psay <name or #userid> <message> - sends private message
[085] sm_psilence - sm_psilence <player> - Permanently removes a player's ability to use voice and chat.
[086] sm_pungag - sm_pungag <player> - Permanently restores a player's ability to use chat.
[087] sm_punmute - sm_punmute <player> - Permamently restores a player's ability to use voice.
[088] sm_punsilence - sm_punsilence <player> - Permanently restores a player's ability to use voice and chat.
[089] sm_rate - Displays player rate in a menu.
[090] sm_ratehelp - Rate plugin help menu
[091] sm_rates - sm_rates | sm_rates <player>
[092] sm_rcon - sm_rcon <args>
[093] sm_reload_restrictions - Reloads all restricted weapon cvars and removes any admin overrides
[094] sm_reloadadmins - sm_reloadadmins
[095] sm_remove_restricted - Removes restricted weapons from players to the limit the weapons are set to.
[096] sm_rename - sm_rename <#userid|name>
[097] sm_resetcvar - sm_resetcvar <cvar>
[098] sm_respawn - Respawn target
[099] sm_restrict - Restrict weapons
[100] sm_revote - No description available
[101] sm_rr - Restart round
[102] sm_rtv - No description available
[103] sm_save_scores_reset - Resets all saved scores
[104] sm_saveloc - Save location
[105] sm_say - sm_say <message> - sends message to all players
[106] sm_searchcmd - Searches SourceMod commands
[107] sm_setjoinmsg - sm_setjoinmsg <name or #userid> "<message>" - sets a custom join message for specified player
[108] sm_setjoinmsgid - sm_setjoinmsgid "<steamId>" "<message>" - sets a custom join message for specified steam ID
[109] sm_setjoinsnd - sm_setjoinsnd <name or #userid> "<path to sound file>" - sets a custom join sound for specified player
[110] sm_setjoinsndid - sm_setjoinsndid "<steamId>" "<path to sound file>" - sets a custom join sound for specified steam ID
[111] sm_setmodel - Set target's model (be careful)
[112] sm_setnextmap - sm_setnextmap <map>
[113] sm_settings - No description available
[114] sm_showmotd - Show MOTD for target
[115] sm_shuffle - Shuffle players
[116] sm_silence - sm_silence <player> - Removes a player's ability to use voice or chat.
[117] sm_slap - sm_slap <#userid|name> [damage]
[118] sm_slay - sm_slay <#userid|name>
[119] sm_spec - Move target to spectator
[120] sm_speed - Set target's speed
[121] sm_stats_purge - sm_stats_purge [days] - Purge players who haven't connected for [days] days.
[122] sm_stats_reset - Resets player stats.
[123] sm_stb2_banlist - List STB2 bans in console
[124] sm_stb2_unbanlist - List STB2 expired bans in console
[125] sm_swap - Swap target's team
[126] sm_team - Set target's team
[127] sm_teamswap - Swap teams
[128] sm_teleport - Teleport target
[129] sm_tsay - sm_tsay [color] <message> - sends top-left message to all players
[130] sm_unban - sm_unban <steamid|ip>
[131] sm_unbury - Unbury target
[132] sm_ungag - sm_ungag <player> - Restores a player's ability to use chat.
[133] sm_unmute - sm_unmute <player> - Restores a player's ability to use voice.
[134] sm_unrestrict - Unrestrict weapons
[135] sm_unsilence - sm_unsilence <player> - Restores a player's ability to use voice and chat.
[136] sm_url - Open URL for target
[137] sm_users - Show info (Admin, Ghost, UserID, IP, Country, SteamID, Name) about players on server
[138] sm_vote - sm_vote <question> [Answer1] [Answer2] ... [Answer5]
[139] sm_voteban - sm_voteban <player> [reason]
[140] sm_votekick - sm_votekick <player> [reason]
[141] sm_votemap - sm_votemap <mapname> [mapname2] ... [mapname5]
[142] sm_who - sm_who [#userid|name]
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